Monday 16 May 2011

When & Where

History & Geography in HASS

History is the broader field encompassing all of human experience from the perspective of time. It is essential when studying history to look at location and relationships with places, which is Geography.
Geography focuses on human interaction with the physical environment from the perspective of space and provides the context for the events, themes and people of history. They are both important subjects in the changes of the Australian Curriculum. This makes it imperative to make the connections between the two subjects and the remaining subjects in the Humanities and Social Science (Civics & Citizenship, Economics and Business). 
One way of mapping this may be to look at the concepts and knowledge in History & the possible concepts in the AC: Geography.

Historical understandings:

Historical Knowledge
Geographical concepts
(UK National Curriculum for Geography)
Evidence is the information obtained from sources that is valuable for a particular 
Yr 8 Overview
Causes & effects of 
contact between 
in the past 
Interdependence is exploring the social, economic, environmental and political connections between places.
Continuity & change aspects of 
the past that remained the 
same over certain periods of
 time are referred to as continuities.
Yr 7 Overview
Movement of peoples in 
the Ancient world 
Physical and human processes is understanding how sequences of events and activities in the physical and human worlds lead to change in places, landscapes and societies.
Cause & effect used by 
historians to identify chains of events and developments over time, short term and long term

Yr 9 Overview
The extent of European imperial expansion & it’s influence 
Space is knowing where places and landscapes are located, why they are there, the patterns and distributions they create, how and why these are changing and the implications for people.
Significance the importance 
that is assigned to particular aspects 
of the past, eg events, developments, movements and historical sites.
Yr 9 Overview
The nature & significance 
of the Industrial 
Environmental interaction and sustainable development is understanding that the physical and human dimensions of the environment are interrelated and together influence environmental change.

Empathy is an understanding 
of the past from the point of 
view of a particular individual 
or group, including an 
appreciation of the 
circumstances they faced, 
and the motivations, values 
and attitudes behind their 

Yr 10 Overview
The inter-war years, including the Treaty of Versailles
Interdependence is exploring the social, economic, environmental and political connections between places and understanding the significance of interdependence in change, at all scales.
Contestability occurs when particular interpretations 
about the past are open to 
debate, for example, as a 
result of a lack of evidence 
or different perspectives.
Yr 10 Overview
Post-Cold War conflicts
 eg: Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan
Cultural understanding and diversity is appreciating how people’s values and attitudes differ and may influence social, environmental, economic and political issues, and developing their own values and attitudes about such issues.

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